The latitude and longitude of 39N 77W correspond to the location of Washington, D.C., which is the capital of the United States. It is situated at the crossing of the 39th line north of the equator (39 degrees north latitude) and the 77th line west of the prime meridian (77 degrees west longitude).
Is Washington DC located at 39N 77W an example of?
Yes, Washington, D.C.’s location at 39N/77W is an example of geographic coordinates location. Geographic coordinates are a system used to specify a precise location on the Earth’s surface.
Where is 39 degrees north latitude 77 degrees west longitude?
The location of Washington, D.C., which lies at 39 degrees north of the Equator and 77 degrees west of the prime meridian, can be described using the coordinates 39° N 77° W. In decimal degree formatting, the approximate location of Washington, D.C., is latitude 39 and longitude -77.
What latitude and longitude is 12s 77W?
The city located at 12 degrees south latitude and 77 degrees west longitude is Lima, Peru. Lima is the capital of Peru and the largest city in the country.
What is 40.7 latitude 74 longitude?
For example, the Empire State Building is located at 40.7 degrees north (latitude) and 74 degrees west (longitude). It sits at the intersection of 33rd Street and Fifth Avenue in New York City, New York, United States.
What Are Latitude & Longitude? | Locating Places On Earth | The Dr Binocs Show | Peekaboo Kidz
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What is latitude 40 6.80 N longitude 172 23.84 W?
The GPS coordinates show up as 40° 6.80′ N, 172° 23.84′ W, which translates to approximately 40.113333° N, -172.397333° W. This location is in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, a few hundred miles directly south of Alaska’s Aleutian Islands.
How to find latitude and longitude?
On your computer, open Google Maps. Right-click the place or area on the map. This will open a pop-up window. You can find your latitude and longitude in decimal format at the top.
What is latitude 44 degrees 58 N longitude 103 degrees 46 W?
The geographic center of the United States is a point approximately 20 miles north of Belle Fourche, South Dakota, at 44°58’2.07622″ N 103°46’17.60283″ W.
Which latitude is found on 23.5 N and 23.5 S?
The tropics are commonly defined as the area between the Tropic of Cancer (roughly 23.5 degrees North latitude) and the Tropic of Capricorn (roughly 23.5 degrees South latitude), highlighted in crimson.
What country is 12s 77w?
The city located at 12 degrees south latitude and 77 degrees west longitude is Lima, Peru.
What is 39 degrees south latitude?
The 39th parallel south is a circle of latitude that is 39 degrees south of the Earth’s equatorial plane. It crosses the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, Australasia, the Pacific Ocean, and South America.
What building is located at 39n and 77.3 W?
According to the given coordinates, 77 degrees west of Greenwich and 39 degrees north of the equator is located the city of Washington, D.C. The building in question is the White House, which is the residence of the President of the United States.
Is this longitude or latitude?
Latitude lines circle the planet from east to west, beginning at 0° at the equator and increasing to 90° North or 90° South. Longitude lines (called meridians) run from north to south and circle the planet from pole to pole.
Where is Washington, D.C. technically located?
Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state, nor is it part of any U.S. state. It is surrounded by the state of Maryland on the northwest, northeast, and southeast and bordered by the state of Virginia, across the Potomac River, on the west and southwest.
What part of the world is Washington, D.C. located?
Washington, D.C. is located in the mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. East Coast.
What is located at 66.5 N latitude?
The Arctic Circle is located at 66.5 degrees North latitude.
What are the 4 types of latitude?
There are 5 types of latitudes- the Arctic Circle, the Antarctic Circle, the Equator, the Tropic of Cancer, and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Why are 23.5 N and 23.5 S important latitude lines?
These latitude lines are important because they mark the Tropics of Cancer (23.5 degrees North) and Capricorn (23.5 degrees South). These lines indicate the farthest points where the sun can be directly overhead and mark the boundaries of the tropical zones on Earth.
Where is latitude 21 * 18 N longitude 157 * 51 W?
Honolulu, HI, USA is located at 21 degrees 18 minutes 56.1708 seconds N and 157 degrees 51 minutes 29.1348 seconds W.
What is located at latitude 16 29 58.9236 S and longitude 151 46 13.9368 W?
Bora Bora, French Polynesia is located at 16 degrees 29 minutes 58.9236 seconds S and 151 degrees 46 minutes 13.9368 seconds W.
What is 46 11 28.9932 N and 122 11 44.2248 W?
Mount St. Helens, USA is located at 46 degrees 11 minutes 28.9932 seconds N and 122 degrees 11 minutes 44.2248 seconds W.
How to calculate longitude?
To calculate longitude, you can use time difference as a reference. One hour of time difference corresponds to 15 degrees of longitude (360 degrees / 24 hours = 15 degrees / hour).
How do you find latitude?
To find latitude, you can measure the angle of the North Star, Polaris, above the horizon. Alternatively, during the day, you can measure how far below a vertical line the Sun is at exactly noon on March 21st or September 21st when the shadows are shortest.
Is latitude or longitude first?
Latitude always precedes longitude when giving coordinates. Latitude is represented by north or south, while longitude is represented by east or west. The coordinates are divided into degrees (°), minutes (‘), and seconds (“).
Where is Washington, D.C. technically located?
Washington, D.C. is a territory and not a state. It is surrounded by the state of Maryland on the northwest, northeast, and southeast, and bordered by the state of Virginia, across the Potomac River, on the west and southwest.