About “Archer” Making its debut in 2009, “Archer” is an American adult animated TV series known for its witty humor and unique animation style. The show revolves around the escapades of Sterling Archer, a bumbling secret agent, and his dysfunctional colleagues. Set in a world that combines the Cold War era with espionage, the show often satirizes pop culture and societal norms.
Known for its ever-changing format, “Archer” recently concluded its 14th season with a compelling ending that left fans pondering about the future of the series. Read More...
Ariana Grande isn’t just your regular, stunningly pretty American singer, songwriter, and actress. If you are wondering how and why Ariana became the wildly successful young lady she is today? Read on to find out the full story of her rise to stardom and current net worth.
Ariana Grande’s Net Worth Ariana Grande is one of the world’s biggest pop stars, and in addition to her music career (which generates revenue from album sales, streams, and live performances and tours), she also has a thriving brand: she’s an actress, a coach on The Voice, and her name and likeness appear on everything from her own makeup and fragrance lines to her own clothing lines. Read More...
Spread the love Ashley Sonnenberg is best known as the current girlfriend and fiancé of Jack Campbell, who is an American professional ice hockey goaltender for the Edmonton Oilers of the National Hockey League. In addition, Campbell has proudly donned the red, white, and blue for his country at both a junior and senior level. In 2010, during the World Junior Ice Hockey Championships, he backstopped teammates to a victory over Canada in the gold medal game. Read More...