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How to solve the Ravenclaw Tower door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy

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In Hogwarts Legacy, Ravenclaw Tower is a location within the Grand Staircase area of the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Ravenclaw Tower is where members of the Ravenclaw House spend a lot of their time hanging out, of course, but it’s also the location of one of those tricky door puzzles, where you have to figure out which creature icons open the door. Here is what you need to know to solve the Ravenclaw Tower door puzzle in Hogwarts Legacy.

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How to open the Ravenclaw Tower puzzle door in Hogwarts Legacy

The Ravenclaw Tower door puzzle is very close to the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, so either fast travel there or, if you haven’t unlocked it yet, set it as a waypoint on the map and walk there. From the Ravenclaw Tower Floo Flame, go northwest, and you’ll see the puzzle door on the left. The triangles (marked “?” and “??”) that you need to roll in order to display the correct icons are on the walls of this same tastefully wallpapered room.

The creature icons around the door represent numbers, and the triangles on the door are equations that need to add up correctly in order for the door to unlock. So, you first need to do the math of each equation, then roll the corresponding triangle so that it displays the icon that completes the equation. The top triangle reads 1 + spider (8) + ? = 13, so the missing icon must be an owl (4). Find the “?” triangle on the opposite side of the arch leading to the spiral staircase and roll it until this displays an owl.

The bottom triangle reads 13 + hydra (3) + ?? = 21, so the missing icon must be a quintaped (5). Find the “??” triangle directly opposite the door, and roll it until it displays a quintaped. The small store room on the other side of the door is full of old junk, but there are two chests to loot, one of which contains the Tower Conjuration exploration collectible.

About the author

Gavin Mackenzie

Gavin Mackenzie has been playing video games since the early 80s, and writing about them professionally since the late 90s. Having been a writer and editor on various British magazines including PLAY, GamesTM, and X360, he's now a freelance guides specialist at Gamepur.

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