The birth of a baby in India with 26 fingers and toes has led to speculation that the child is the reincarnation of a Hindu goddess. The girl, born at a hospital in Bharatpur, Rajasthan, has seven fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot.
While medical professionals have diagnosed her condition as polydactyly, a genetic anomaly, the family, deeply rooted in their spiritual beliefs, believes otherwise. They have publicly referred to her as the reborn version of Dholagarh Devi, a well-known local deity. Statues of the deity depict a young girl with multiple arms.
The baby’s mother, Sarju Devi, and the father, Gopal Bhattacharya, are said to be delighted with the birth. The baby’s uncle has expressed their joy, stating, “We are considering it to be the incarnation of Dholagarh Devi. We are very happy.”
Dr. BS Soni, a medic at the hospital where the baby was born, has stated that there is no harm in having 26 fingers and toes and that the girl is otherwise healthy. It is yet to be determined if the family plans to have the newborn undergo surgery to reduce the number of digits.
The family’s spiritual beliefs have resulted in them embracing the child’s condition with joy, seeing it as a divine connection that brings happiness and positivity.