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10 Best Gimmicks In Wrestling History (Wasted On Poor Performers)

There have been a wide variety of gimmicks created over the years and while some of them have been terrible, which legends have had to deal with, there have been some on the flip side of that as well. Many amazing gimmicks have ended up being wasted on wrestlers who weren't truly talented to pull them off across WWE or TNA.

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This can often leave fans frustrated as they can see the potential within the character that is being portrayed, but the wrestler simply isn't good enough to pull it off to the level that most people would want to see which can lead to the gimmick being wasted.

10 Leo Kruger

The Leo Kruger character should have led to a lot of success as the idea of having a hunter that wanted to collect the wrestlers as his trophies was something that had real potential. It would have been interesting to watch if the right person had portrayed it, but Kruger wasn't able to do it.

He ended up moving on to the Adam Rose character where the focus was very much on being a non-wrestling performer spending most of his time just running around. Had Kruger's gimmick gone to someone else it might have been something to remember.

9 The Boogeyman

The Boogeyman is a character that is well known around the world in various forms from horror movies to books, and that is something that people can easily identify with. The gimmick could easily have been a main event heel because it's so creepy while also being memorable.

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While The Boogeyman in WWE was a character that people do still talk about it didn't reach the level it should have done. Had he been slightly more talented as a wrestler it was a gimmick that could have been title worthy.

8 Mordecai

Mordecai was similar to The Boogeyman in the sense that it was leaning more toward the supernatural side of the business, and when those gimmicks are done right they can be fantastic. The character created a great visual with the lightness shining through, as he wanted to rid WWE of all its problems.

That could easily have worked as an annoying heel or a babyface if it was done correctly. However, as a professional wrestler, he wasn't good enough and that led to the character flopping.

7 Eva Marie (Avoiding Wrestling)

Eva Marie had a few gimmicks during her time with the company, but the best was when she would create completely different excuses every week for why she couldn't wrestle. It was guaranteed to bring heat and that is something that could have been developed more than it was.

Eventually having her compete in matches or sneak victories was the way to go with this, then being forced to compete in a situation without excuses. Unfortunately, Marie wasn't good enough to follow through with the in-ring aspect and the character went nowhere.

6 Shane McMahon (Best In The World)

The best in the world gimmick is one that has been done a few times, whether it's Bret Hart, CM Punk, or Chris Jericho, and it's one that always works well. It can be perfect for a heel to get a lot of heat, and it can also work as a babyface when audiences genuinely buy into that idea.

Unfortunately, that gimmick was wasted on Shane McMahon, even though WWE put all the bells and whistles behind it with the great Greg Hamilton introductions. At this point in McMahon's career, he wasn't the performer he previously was, and it did end up becoming quite grating to fans.

5 Brandi Rhodes (Nightmare Collective)

The idea behind the Nightmare Collective could easily have been memorable with someone creating a group of maniacal wrestlers who were all completely different. The aim was for them to cause as much mayhem as possible, ridding other wrestlers of their identity to embarrass them.

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They would cut off bits of hair from their opponents to keep something that they remember which was great for heat. Unfortunately, as the leader, Brandi Rhodes wasn't good enough to carry this group as a strong personality which is why it fell short of the mark.

4 Titus O'Neil (Titus Worldwide)

Agents are involved in all sports so having someone in wrestling put together a group of wrestlers together as their clients is something that could easily work. WWE attempted that with the Titus Worldwide brand as he brought in a variety of wrestlers under his leadership.

Sadly, O'Neil isn't someone that was gifted enough inside the ring to work when he needed to wrestle, while his promos were never that exciting. It's a gimmick that could have led to a lot more, but it sadly fell short of the mark.

3 Matt Morgan (The Blueprint)

Wrestling fans often talk about how a talent would look if they were to create a wrestler from the ground up, therefore the blueprint character is easy to buy into. Having someone that looks like a major star is great, but they then need to act like it as well with their promos and in-ring work.

Unfortunately, Matt Morgan might have looked the part but he wasn't able to follow through on that. His in-ring work was solid but not great and the same can be said for his promos, which is why this gimmick was wasted.

2 Sin Cara

The original Sin Cara was a good performer, but unfortunately, he couldn't adapt to different styles and that led to his downfall as there were too many mistakes throughout his matches. Even though WWE invested tons of effort and hype into him, it simply didn't work due to his in-ring ability.

The character had a lot of potential as the next big lucha star in WWE with his mood lighting and epic entrance. Unfortunately, it didn't live up to the expectations that audiences had for it due to the in-ring performances.

1 Sean O'Haire

A wrestler turning up as the devil's advocate had a lot of potential to be something very special. There are plenty of avenues that this character can be taken, but Sean O'Haire wasn't good enough as an in-ring performer to convey this in the manner that it should have been.

His performances were quite forgettable and that is never a good platform to work from, especially since the character itself had a lot of potential to thrive.
